Feedback zu unserem Workshop in Tiflis

Foto: gute gelaunte Gesprächspartner in Tiflis

Anfang des Jahres fand unser Workshop für die ComCom (georgische Aufsichtsbehörde für Telekommunikation) in Tiflis statt. Mit dem gelungenen Ausklang auf typisch georgische Art (siehe Foto) war unser Job nicht beendet: Ein paar Wochen später fragten wir bei den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern nach.

Sie hatten jeweils drei Punkte genannt, an denen zu arbeiten für sie in der nächsten Zeit besonders wichtig sein sollte. Und wir wollten wissen, wie es Ihnen damit  geht. Die Antworten kamen prompt und auf sehr persönliche Art.

Irakli Butbaia, Head of Legal Department hatten wir zum Beispiel wie folgt gefragt:

We had our training together in February 2022. You decided for priority change in the following points:

  • Feedback be precise and in time
  • Learn to say »no«
  • TIme Management

How was it going? I hope you were successful!
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Das Feedback kam »in time«:

Dear Hans,

I am so happy to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.

As for me and my priorities to change, I want to say, that I have tangible progress in 1st point (Feedback be precise and in time). As for 2nd and 3rd points, I have little progress too, but not as tangible as in 1st point. But not withstanding this, good news is that I am still working on it.

I am so grateful for your trainings, because not only me, but entire our teem began to speak how we have to change our organizational culture and your training was very helpful for us.

Thank you once more for your trainings and for this email and friendly reminder.

Best Regards,
Irakli Butbaia

Sandro Karumidze (Head, Spectrum and Technology Department), hatten wir gefragt:

We had our training together in February 2022. You decided for priority change in

  • Delegation
  • Feedback per week
  • Develop and guide

How was it?I hope you were successful!
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Er schrieb:

Dear Hans,

Thanks for your e-mail. Hope you are doing well.
I indeed work in that direction and tray to document progress.
Here at ComCom We are all still under influence of your training ?

Sandro Karumidze

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