We are always building up our expert database so that when opportunities arise we can match the right person to the right project.
If you are not already one of our external trainers/experts, we would like to hear from you.
Our experts do consulting work or deliver seminars in such areas as anti-corruption, coaching, ethics and integrity, HRD and HRM, leadership, organisational development, strategic management, teambuilding and train the trainer. This list is not exhaustive. Let us know your special areas of expertise.
How to apply
Please Email your EU CV and Europass CV in English to kontakt@dbbakademie.eu. Please indicate in the subject line of the Email whether you are interested in short-term (STE), long-term positions (LTE) or both. Please also highlight your main areas of expertise in the Email.
How to create your Curriculum Vitae
If you prefer, you can create your Curriculum Vitae and your European Skills Passport online on the website of the European Union.
You can also download the actual templates (word- or open-office format) and instructions (pdf-file) here:
If you are also interested in being considered for future EuropeAid projects, please send us your EU CV:
We look forward to hearing from you! The dbb akademie GmbH team.